7 tips to make your child fond of reading

7 tips to make your child fond of reading

Being parents, we often worry about how to make our children fond of reading. Research has shown that a child who reads in their early ages will do well in school. Reading at an early age is one of the strongest indicators of having a brighter future regardless of their economic and social backgrounds. This will benefit the children as they will perform well in their tests, have better vocabulary, and have a deeper understanding of other cultures.

But if your child does not like to read, don’t worry, this doesn’t mean they never will. Here are our tips to make your child fall in love with reading.

1. Take your child for shopping:

Whenever you are planning to go out shopping for books, let your child select the book of their choice. This will empower children to create excitement and interest in them to read the books of their choices.

2. Check reading levels:

Pushing your child to read is a sign of being a concerned parent but knowing your child’s current reading level is a sign of being a good parent. Your child can struggle reading a book which is not age appropriate and he can find it hard to read. It’s always suggested to buy books that are age appropriate and as per your child’s reading level and interest. Your child should be comfortable while reading those books and a little challenging as well for them.

3. Creating a special reading area:

Creating a reading space in your home which will comfort your child to enjoy spending time in the reading space. Making the space comfortable and fun for them with bean bags & fun comic books on the shelf will encourage children to read more while having fun.

4. Build your child’s confidence:

Constant encouragement from your side can instill confidence in your child’s mind and they’ll feel motivated to learn to read. The more confidence a child will gain, will allow them to learn to read faster and enjoy it at the same time. If you find your child struggling with the words, ask them to break the letters into parts and retry reading it. As a parent, we need to keep reminding them of the hard words they already know and keep motivating them to read.

 5. Make books reachable:

Keep books at an accessible place for kids and reading area, their go-to space. This will bring change in their behaviour while they’re growing up by going to reading space instead of fetching TV remote.

6. Mixing up reading and music:

Regular reading routine sometimes can become boring for children. Introduce your child to audiobooks where they can listen to a comic book or make them read fictional and non-fiction books as well. This will enhance the love for reading in your child through mixing up different genres.

7. Gift them their age-appropriate books:

We all know how much children are excited about presents. But giving them the right presents such as books will double their excitement and create a valuable impact on their budding minds. If your child’s age ranges between 3 to 7 years, then you need to give them the perfect lifetime reading gift. Learn2Read is an online phonics educational platform to make confident readers of tomorrow.

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